hai brothers and sisters! sorry, little bit buzy with my MAS(minggu aluan siswa) in UTP(universiti teknologi petronas). i signed up there as a student UTP intake sep 2011. i feel proud to be one of UTP members. yes, there have good facilities, a lot of facilities,the rooms,the library that we called Information Resource Center (IRC),the sport center,the lab and many more facilities here.
in UTP,u have to register by your self, parents not allowed to help you. they can just wait until the registration done. im little bit 'kekok' to register my self alone. huhu. but the registrar team will help you there. orait! done registration part. next is about the 'village'. it's not 'kampung' but it's the name of our hostel. we have village 1,village 2,village 3 until village 6. for the old village they have they own name but i don't familiar with it so i don't know what it is. my house is in village 3. im room number 2,level number 4,the higher one. so tired to go to the up stair. but it is quite good,very peace full there and what i like about my room is its at the corner,so its quite big compared with the others rooms. haha. not forgotten, meet my roommate her name is Nurhafizawati. she 22 years old. she beautiful, friendly, a bit funny girl. she also September intake. she doesn't want me to call her 'kak'. so i just called her 'fiza' for short.
next, MAS week. so damn tired! i don't know how to story about it. i just can conclude about it. its full of wonderful and a bit damnful some times memory that every UTP members have. last night was the end of MAS week. last night was the night so called 'Self Reflection Night(SRN)' and SRN also have a members called SRS stand for Self Reflection Student. im the part of the members. SRS is the members that will present something like drama to all new student in UTP during MAS week. it is like tradition for MAS week. so SRS is also the most important team in MAS. without us,MAS week will not end. haha! i just made assumption about it don't take it seriously.
what can i say about UTP is, when you enter to the UTP you will have a culture shock. its sound like normal thing but what i mean is the 'culture' is not like others university when you enter,you will have the culture shock but in UTP the culture shock is more different with others. and more than that, in here you have to speaking fully English language to interact with others even when you are malay and talk with malay person. in UTP there's a lot of international student. they not only talk with their international friends but with us also they will communicate. they friendly and love to be one of Malaysian friends. english is the most important for UTP student because the staff,the lecturer, the cafeteria staff,the pak guard,the mak guard and soon will communicate with you in english. to make it short,UTP is like when you study in oversea. if you want to feel how is the feeling when study in oversea,just come and further your study here not need to fly away from the country. so right now till the end of my life i will try harder to improve my english language. and i want to apologizes for the broken english i use here.
so, thats all i think. a bit intro about my life as a new member of UTP. thanks for reading till the end. its almost 10.30 o'clock. i have a class at 12 o'clock today. c u next time! bubai all!! oh wait! i forgot something. here some pictures for you to see. enjoy! bye again!
Blok Akademik
Information Resource Center (IRC)
Information Resource Center (IRC)
p/s: the pictures taken from utp website.^_^
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