Friday, October 12, 2012

OMG! Oh My Gucci!

What?? its not about Gucci or what. its about yesterday. i'm not in good condition since yesterday. i went to the clinic than got a few pills to eat. oh damn! i hate that kind of pills. bluekk! thanks lah doc.

the only happy thing that i had done yesterday was i brought two more Aidijuma  scarf. heeee^_^ 
pls dont tell to my mom. shhhhhhhhhh.... but at the same time i wasted my money again. arghhh. never mind. -_-"


Pssstttt! jangan tanya kenapa ada ubat sendi dan urat. babe! i bukan takat demam je tau. saket lutut skali lah semalam, plus, kaki kerap kebas*

until the next entry yaw!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Ayuh kembali ke sekolah ayuh!

Yeay! back to school again. haha!
padahal pegi sekolah amek adek je pun. kecoh gila minah ni. layan~
keje aku cuti 4 bulan hari tu hanyalah pick up dorg pulang sekolah ngan anta dorg g sekolah.
nek honda beb. aku skg ni da dilepaskan tuk bawak kete besar pulak. dolu2 kete cenonet je lepas kat aku kan. haha. kete yang aku bawak sumer xda sticker P. so orang2 kat atas jalan raya pun treat aku macam aku da habis P kan. pun boleh. tinggal bape bulan je lg nk abeh P tu. xdahal. *BLAGOK NAK MAMPOS minah ni*

wei! bapak aku nak bagi stuker sebijik la kat aku!!! bila? entah la. dua tiga tahun, xpun berzaman lagi kot. hahaha. *kecoh lagi minah ni*

wei! aku da sampai UTP 4minggu yang lepas la wei! da kene study balik la wei! 

wei! minggu depan ada test ngan quiz la wei!

woi minah! rasanya ko dah boleh g sambung study sekarang . bising je.

ok baiklah. 

wei! sekejap! aku dtg sekolah nak amek adek aku. sekarang ni melaun mana pulak ni masuk dalam keter. siyes aku tak kenal budak nih! huahuahuahuahua!! 


until the next entry yaw!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy Anniversary ^^

~A love letter to my love~

We've had our ups and downs,
This we both know,
Through it all our love still managed to grow,
Different thoughts we had about many things,
But our love for each other,
Had no attached strings.

nota kaki: apa? ingat aku tak reti ke jiwang2 neh. psstttt! mission accomplished. macs done!

until the next entry yaw!